Below are listed the various operating modes for the DT8 DTMF controller board. If the AUDIO FEEDBACK feature is enabled then the DT8 will produce a PTT signal and acknowledgement or error tones for each DTMF tone or command received. Do NOT enable AUDIO FEEDBACK if you are not going to use this feature as it slows down the operation of the DT8.
The sequence of events for the AUDIO FEEDBACK and PTT is a follows:
1) turn on PTT transistor (open collector)
2) wait 100 milliseconds
3) produce tones
4) wait 50 milliseconds
5) turn off PTT transistor.
Follow Mode
N = 1 to 8. |
Pulse Mode
N = 1 to 8. |
Latch Mode
N *
N = 1 to 8. When DTMF tone N is received followed by DTMF * the relay N is operated and stays operated until reset with N # |
N #
N = 1 to 8. When DTMF tone N is received followed by DTMF # the relay N is released and stays released until operated with N * |
Any relay can be programmed to operate on power up or restart |
Exclusive Mode
N = 1 to 8. Any or all relays can be in the exclusive list. When tone N is received relay N is operated and all other relays in the exclusive list are released. Only one relay in the exclusive list can be operated at any one time. |
Any relay can be programmed to operate on power up or restart |
Set/Reset All
0 * | This command sets all relays into the operated condition. Note: This command can be enabled or disabled by programming. |
0 # |
This command has four possible operations depending on the DT8
programming. |
Lock code
*NN# | Where NN means between 1 and 8 digits (DTMF numbers
0 to 9, letters A to D) When the DT8 receives a valid lock code it cannot be activated by any more commands until after it has received a valid unlock code. |
Unlock code
#NN# |
Where NN means between 1 and 8 digits (DTMF numbers 0 to 9, letters
A to D) |
Access codes
AA | Where AA means any two digits (DTMF numbers 0 to 9, letters A to D) followed by any command except Lock or Unlock. Three different access codes are available, Individual, Group or Allcall. Audio Feedback only works with individual addressing mode and then only for command completion. |